Be a local celebrity share these… Funny Status Updates for Facebook: Telling someone that you’re going to bed, When you’re actually not, and then having to hold back from posting things on Facebook. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) A relationship should be between (^__^) & (^__^) NOT (^__^) & (^__^) + (-_(-_(-_-)_-)_-) + FACEBOOK Life […]
Dancing Eyebrows, Silly Seal, & Funny Statuses
Get more LIKEs post these… Funny Status Updates for Facebook: I’m tired of chasing my dreams, I’m just going to ask them where their going and meet them there later. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. No matter what happens, somebody will find a […]
Lion Cub Roar, Australian Holidays, & Great Statuses
Be a local celebrity share these… Great Status Updates for Facebook: I’m pretty sure the best thing about Facebook is the ability to read other people’s fights. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) The 50-50-90 rule: Any time you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there is a 90% probability you will get […]
Dog wears Pants, Baby Sloth, & Funny Statuses
Be a local celebrity share these… Funny Status Updates for Facebook: This is how my week goes: Mooooooooooooonday Tuuuuuuuuuuuuesday Weeeeeeeeeeednesday Thuuuuuuuuuuursday FridaySaturdaySunday. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) I can read Spanish, German, Italian, and French…so long as it’s written in English. Only a few more days until those “yo, 2012 is about to be my […]
Road 2 Happiness, Rhythmic Dog, & Top Status Updates
Get more LIKEs share these… Top Status Updates for Facebook: Funny how you can update your status but not reply to my messages. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) If two past lovers can remain friends, either they never were in love or they still are. You cannot achieve the impossible without attempting the absurd. New […]
EPIC Holiday Lights, Koala Bear, & Funny Statuses
Get more LIKEs share these… Funny Status Updates for Facebook: If you can’t convince them, confuse them. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) That awkward moment when it’s quiet in class and your stomach decides to make that dying whale sound. Beat the 5 o’clock rush, leave work at noon. On the keyboard of life, always […]