Awesome ways to get LIKEd share these… Funny Status Updates for Facebook: Doing nothing all day feels great, realizing you did nothing all day, not so great. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) If you can’t take a joke.. don’t walk around looking like one. When I am home alone and I hear a noise, I […]
Hippo Fart, Gangster Explanation & EPIC Statuses
Get more LIKES share these… Epic Status Updates for Facebook: Taking your phone out in class or work and constantly refreshing Facebook. We all do it. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) I wish someone would name a beer “The Mondays.” That way whenever someone said they have a case of the Mondays it would be […]
Hello Bear, MailCat & Statuses that get LIKEs
Share these awesome… Status Updates that get LIKEs: That awkward moment when two people start a conversation on your facebook status. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) I hate it when people are at your house and ask, “Hey do you have a bathroom?” Nooooo not at all, we all dump in the yard. All bad […]
Pop Rock Win, Stuffed Mouse, & Funny Statuses
Get more LIKEs share these… Funny Status Updates for Facebook: Ah, Facebook Mobile…or as I like to call it,”WALK ‘N STALK’!” (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) So if one was to type ‘idiot’ into Google, would your picture come up? Lazy rule: Can’t reach what I dropped, don’t need it. I check behind the shower […]
Unexpected Pranking, Super Meme, & Funny Statuses
Get more LIKEs post these… Funny Facebook Status Updates: I reserve the right to judge you for doing things that I also do. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) That mini heart attack when you can’t feel your phone in your pocket! When I have children I’m going to make them watch the movie […]
Mirror Baby, Telemarketing Revenge, & LIKEable Statuses
Get more LIKEs post these: LIKEable Status Updates for Facebook: Don’t go to bed angry. Stay up and plot your revenge. (From our ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) Of course I know how to shut up. I just never know when to. My favorite color is chocolate. Deaf to bullshit, blind to fake shit. Stop wasting your […]