Score more likes, share one of these… Hilarious Facebook Status Updates: If you eat an entire cake without cutting it you technically only had one piece. Do crabs think we walk sideways? Be stronger than the cookie. That awkward moment when you remember something funny, start smiling like an idiot and everyone stares at you. […]
hilarious status updates
Pug in a Tub, Childhood, and 20 Hilarious Status Updates
Score more likes, share these… 20 Hilarious Facebook Status Updates: Kids have so many food allergies these days. In 15 years you’ll be able to rob a bank with a bag of peanuts. Hey sorry I’m late I didn’t want to come. I would rather have a life full of scars than one full of […]
Humility, Handicap Puppy, and Hilarious Status Updates
Score more likes, share these… Hilarious Facebook Status Updates: I always keep a Mexican restaurant on speed dial in queso emergency. People who make really bad decisions are always like “I have the worst luck” Still haven’t cashed in my winning megamillions ticket…scared the $6 will make my friends treat me different. If you ever […]
Must Stay Awake, Remote Issues, and Hilarious Statuses
Score more likes, share these… Hilarious Facebook Statuses: Everyday I’m shoveling. – Winter 2014 Hockey is more enjoyable if you pretend they’re fighting over the world’s last Oreo. Loofah sponge instructions: 1. Wet before use 2. Use once 3. Hang to dry as shower decoration for the rest of your life. Who is “Taxes” and […]
Raccoon Plays Harp, Dapper Doggie, and Hilarious Statuses
Make your weekend last longer, share these… Hilarious Statuses for Facebook: Thanksgiving: “Let’s give thanks for the shit we have.” Black Friday: “Ok, let’s get all new shit.” The first rule of Women’s fight club is don’t tell anyone what you’re mad about or why you’re fighting. Boobs are to men what laser pointers are […]
Cutest Frog, CowFriends, and Hilarious Status Updates
Score more likes, share these…. Hilarious Status Updates: LIKE if you don’t use twist ties to close a bag of bread…you just spin the bag and tuck it under the loaf of bread. That awkward moment when you leave a store without buying anything and all you can think is “act natural, you’re innocent.” Remember […]