Funny Facebook Status Updates
Rhino gets Kicked, Friendship, and 20 Funny Facebook Status Updates
Make your weekend last longer, share one of these… 20 Funny Facebook Status Updates: Sorry, I’m too poor, I can’t afford to pay attention. Here’s a joke about ebola, you probably won’t get it though. Life is so hard when you have twenty TV shows to watch. The first 80 years of adulthood are always the […]
Homeless Rapper, Allergies, and 20 Funny Facebook Status Updates
Make Monday fun, share one of these… 20 Funny Facebook Status Update Ideas: I wonder how many calories I burn when I run away from my problems. When your boss asks why you’re late. Just shrug and say “thug life.” Bosses don’t mess with thug life. I’m not saying I’m psychic, but I’m positive I will […]
Rough Gang, Muscle Music, & Weekend Statuses
Pwn your Facebook newsfeed, share these.. Facebook Status Updates for the Weekend: Facebook should change the status question from “what’s on your mind?” to “what’s your problem today?” (iPhone App: Funny Status 2 ★★★★★ 191 Ratings) Karma is only a bitch, if you are. #TrueStory Oh you have Swag? …that’s cool, hey, can you Super Size my Fries? […]
Anti-Gravity Man, Dog Panda, & Funny Statuses
Get the LIKEs you deserve share these… Funny Status Updates for Facebook: Our phones fall, we panic. Our friends fall, we laugh. (From our 4.5Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) The awkward moment when your sarcasm isn’t understood in a text. I listen to nothing more closely than the muffled conversation happening after someone has accidentally butt […]
Russian Military Dance, Cat in a Box, & Funny Statuses
Hilarious Facebook related content just for you… Funny Status Updates for Facebook: If facebook showed how many times I visited your profile, I’m dead. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned. If you want to succeed, you should strike out on new paths rather than travel the […]