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Funny Status Updates for Facebook:
- We all have that one friend who doesn’t know how to whisper. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★)
- How does my bladder know when I’ve found the most comfortable position in my bed?
- If you lick the air, does it get wet?
- Shutting down the computer and then realizing you need it again..
- It is incredible how much intelligence is used in this world to prove nonsense.
- I’m not myself today. Maybe I’m you.
- In school, the only thing group projects ever taught me was that I hate other people.
- Everyone knows someone that really can’t take the hint when you’re trying to end a conversation with them. (60+Likes in 15 minutes – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page )
- The current generation will be the weirdest grandparents.
- Dear Microsoft word, I’m pretty sure I spelled my name correctly.
- Dear engaged couples, your engagement photos make me want to throw up. Sincerely, everyone.
- Admit it, At some point in time you’ve tried to see if you had superpowers.
- If at first you don’t succeed, you’ll get a lot of free advice from folks who didn’t succeed either.
- I’d appreciate it if the city just delivered the phone books straight to my recycle bin.
- That awkward moment when someone you deleted off Facebook tries to add you again. (From Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
- Life is like a bar of soap, once you think you’ve got a hold of it, it slips away..
Ladies & Gentlemen, the Electrokitty…
Awww-dorable! Post to your Facebook wall and watch the comments & LIKEs fly in!!!
Ellen Montage of Scaring Guests (CLASSIC!)
Who doesn’t love them some ELLEN! Those are some of the greatest scares I’ve ever seen 🙂 Share with your FB friends to get some LIKEs and comments to get your week going.
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