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Funny Status Updates for Facebook:
- If my room is clean, it means that Facebook is not working. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★)
- It’s amazing how much I can get done in the hour and a half before I’m expecting someone over.
- Switch their facebook relationship status from single to taken just for attention. #AttentionWhore
- LIKE IF you hate texting people first.
- LMS = Like My Status
- Life is not about understanding or doing it right. It’s about taking what you’ve got and just smiling about it anyway.
- I’m at my wit’s end. And let me say it didn’t take long for me to get here either.
- I am a firm believer that anything wrapped in bacon ultimately tastes better.
- Guys who still carry bags, open doors, tell their girl that she’s beautiful, and show respect… Real Men.
- ❒ Taken ❒ Single ✔ I’m in love with my computer. It’s getting pretty serious.
- Be strong and try your hardest, because in the end, gold looks better than silver and it’s all worth it.
- Lazy Rule #33: If ice falls, kick it under the fridge. (174+Likes in 7 minutes – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page )
- Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese.
- Coin always makes sound but the currency notes are always silent. So when your value increases, keep yourself calm.
- You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile.
- Experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes.
- If you ever get caught sleeping on the job… slowly raise your head and say, “In Jesus name, amen,”
- The one who says it can’t be done should never interrupt the one doing it.
- Base your hopes on action, not on your dreams.
- Go to and type “Do A Barrel Roll” DO IT. Share this post and spread the word! (VIA Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
Care for some tea?
Clever Cats just keep getting smarter and smarter. Post to Facebook & see what your friends think of this hilarious cat pic.
A Very Well Balanced Dog:
Ah-mah-zing! That is spectacular and adorable at the same time. Share on your wall and see what your friends think!
Awesome Free Unreleased NES Game: The Great Gatsby
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