Make the weekend last longer, share these… Top 20 Facebook Status Updates This Week: Hell hath no fury like me when I’m slightly inconvenienced and hungry. People are like music, some speak the truth and others are just noise. The most important thing in life is not knowing everything, it’s having the phone number of […]
Top Facebook Status Updates
Hipsters, Jury Duty, and Top Facebook Status Updates
Congrats, you made it to the weekend! Share one of these… Top Facebook Status Updates From This Week: It may look like I’m in deep thought, but 99% of the time I’m just thinking about what food I’m going to eat later. Try randomly complimenting people, because sometimes that will be the only kind words […]
Tech News Gaff, Balance, & Status Updates about Life
Score more likes, share these… Top Facebook Status Updates about Life: This month has five Fridays, five Saturdays, and five Sundays but only FOUR Mondays. You’re welcome! That awkward moment when the weirdest person in your school gets a girlfriend/boyfriend, and you’re still forever alone. “Just because you’re offended, doesn’t mean you’re right.” -Ricky Gervais […]
Spiderman IRL, Samuel L Barkson, & Top Status Updates
This week on FB… Top 20 Facebook Status Updates: The worst time to hear I told you so is when you end up saying it to yourself. Think before you speak… and keep it simple. Nobody wants to hear your life story. At least men and women agree on one thing, they both don’t trust […]
Yelling Goat, Heart Kitty, and Top Statuses
Score more likes, share these… Top 25 Facebook Statuses this week: It’s ironic that we call it “common” sense when there seems to be such a lack of it. Whenever I feel intimidated by someone I imagine them drinking out of a hamster water bottle. 3 things I’ve learned in school: Texting without looking, Sleeping […]
20 Top Statuses, Super Bowl Commercials, & Cool Pillows
Best of the week, share these… Top Facebook Status Updates this week: That awkward moment when you realize that you mistaken your own car for someone else’s car that is identical and you spent a good five minutes trying to unlock it. I hate when its dark and my brain is like “Hey you know […]