Get over hump-day, share one of these… Great Facebook Status Posts: Wednesday, you’ve never looked worse. It’s September and I don’t even know how that happened so fast. I think Netflix is soooo much better than going out and pretending to like people. Lucky Charms should be 98% Marshmallows and 2% of that other sh*t. […]
Great Status Updates
Pumpkin Panda, Fluffy Butt Corgi, and Great Status Updates
We’ve got your status under control, share these… Great Facebook Status Updates: Avoid parking tickets by leaving your wipers on high. The tooth is the only part of the human body that can’t repair itself. That awkward moment when you make a Harry Potter reference and none of your Muggle friends get it. Everyone knows […]
Cuban Pete, Tony Hawk, and Great Status Updates
Best of Facebook, share these… 21 Great Facebook Statuses: That mini heart attack when you send a text to the wrong person. More girls need to start searching for guys who have goals, ambitions & success because 10 years from now “swag” isn’t going to pay your bills. Million dollar idea: A bathroom mirror that […]
Lego Jump, Best Costume Ever, and Great Status Posts
Step your Facebook status game up, share these… Great Status Updates for Facebook: I’ve found that the things I’m most interested in aren’t really in my best interest. ( 100K+ Statuses: Funny Status 2 5★ Ratings) People are like songs…. some speak the truth and some just make sound. Girls wait for the perfect guy: Disney’s fault. […]
Jumping Dog, Baggage Fees, and Great Statuses.
Keep your Facebook friends guessing, try these… Great Status Posts for Facebook: Why are there stitch marks on zombies? Who’s giving them medical attention? (*NEW* – iPhone App: Funny Status 2 5★ Ratings) If you ever want to know how clean someone really is, look inside their microwave. I’m gonna get a tattoo of me getting a […]
Inspirational Turtle, Twins Dancing, & Great Status Update Ideas
Status ideas for every occasion… Great Status Updates for Facebook: Why was the cat in the bag in the first place??? (iPhone App: Funny Status 2 ★★★★★ 189 Ratings) If girls were as nice to each other in real life as they are in Facebook comments, the world would be a different place. I see a little silhouetto […]