Milk Bandit, Dog Tries Lemon, & Great Facebook Status Ideas


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Great Facebook Status Ideas:

  • When you were a kid there was nothing more satisfying as when you made the honking signal to the truck driver and he honked back.  (*NEW* iPhone App: Funny Status 2  5★ Ratings)
  • If I’m not supposed to eat late night snacks, then explain why the fridge has a light?
  • Genies won’t let you wish for more wishes. Solution: Wish for more Genies.
  • If you have to suck in your gut to see the numbers on the scale, you don’t want to see the numbers on the scale.
  • Today I rescued some wine, it was trapped in a bottle.
  • We met for a reason, either you’re a blessing or a lesson.  (Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page )
  • [ ] Democratic party [ ] Republican party [x] Pizza party
  • They’re called scents, not flavors, I should NOT be able to taste your perfume or cologne.
  • If I knew as much as I forgot, I’d be one smart person.
  • It’s very important that EVERYONE gets a flu shot this year so I don’t have to.
  • That awesome moment when the person you miss randomly texts you.♥
  • I never run with scissors. (those last two words were unnecessary.)     (VIA Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
  • I would pick up a hitchhiker wearing an “I Heart Murder” t-shirt before I’d pick up a call from a blocked number.

Who Wants Milk?

Who Wants Milk?

Dawwwwww, now there’s a cutie! Spread the love on yours newsfeed for instant LIKES, comments, and karma. (Via imgur)

Dog Tries Lemon, Hilarity Ensues:


You can see the bitterness in his eyes, immediately regretting that decision to try the lemon 🙂 His crazy antics are what make this video amazing! Pass it along.

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