Memories, Dancing Bears, & Status Post Ideas


Entertain your FB friends, share these…

Status update ideas that score major likes:

  • That awkward moment when you laugh so hard, your eyes water and people think you’re crying. ( Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★)
  • There is nothing more terrifying than sneezing while driving.
  • If I don’t answer my phone the first time you call, calling 5 more times isn’t going to make me answer.
  • Word of Advice: Don’t let Life kick your butt.
  • If I want to nap for just an hour, I have a big glass of water beforehand. Alarms can be turned off, but a full bladder waits for no one.
  • Sending a risky text & thinking.. “Oh god, they hate me,” if they don’t respond within 30 seconds.
  • Sorry, I can’t hangout. My uncle’s cousin’s sister in law’s best friend’s insurance agent’s roommate’s pet goldfish died. It was tragic. (Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page )
  • Sometimes I like to congratulate someone for no reason, just to watch the confused panic in their eyes.
  • If I ever get arrested, I think I’ll use my one phone call to have pizza delivered.
  • “You can get all A’s and still flunk life.” -Walker Percy
  • Okay, If we get caught here’s the story…
  • 2pac + Eminem + 50 cent = 2 packs of M&M’s for 50 cents.
  • Being fat is like a trophy for all of the awesome food you ate.
  • Kill your haters with kindness.Gift wrap explosives. (VIA Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
  • Your call is very important to us. Please enjoy this 50 minute clarinet solo.

Childhood Memories:

Tom and Jerry cartoons

LIKE if you remember that cartoon 🙂 Amongst many other classics! Hover your mouse cursor over that image for one-click insta-sharing on Facebook with your friends.

Dancing Bears go crazy…


Who doesn’t enjoy dancing bears?!?! Verrryyyy funny little commercial there, probably one of the best of 2012. Share with your Facebook friends before they see it on TV.

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