Make your weekend last longer, share one of these.. 20 Best Weekend Statuses: Are you staying because you’re truly happy or because you’re extremely comfortable? I wonder if I’m anyone’s crush… Lol nah. When a drunk girl in her 20s screams, “Oh my God, I love this song!”, you can be certain that song sucks. Someone should […]
Viral Videos
Dancing Doggy
Have you ever found yourself so very excited that you do the happy dance? This puppy takes it to a new level. Dancing the cha-cha to let his human know just how much he cares. Another reason why dogs are the best.
Surprise Friend, Roar Inspiration, & Crazy Status Posts
Score more likes, share these… Crazy Facebook Status Posts: Being an adult is dumb. Sorry I can’t make it to your party tonight- I have to get up REALLY early tomorrow afternoon. About 110,000 people contract chlamydia each month, more than signed up for Obamacare. Obamacare is less popular than chlamydia. Me everyday: today is […]
Perfectly Timed Thief Steals Beats Headphones
[youtube][/youtube] That would suck! Note to self: Pay attention to your surroundings! Be safe out there, peoples. Share this video to warn of what can happen when not paying attention to what’s going on around you. Who do you think is to blame? The apathetic guy dancing around or the perfectly timed thief?
Best Gift Reaction, Smart Dog, and Hilarious Status Updates
Score more likes, share these… Hilarious Facebook Status Updates: Was visited by 3 spirits last night. Vodka, rum and gin. “That’s nice dear.” -Grandmas version of “cool story bro.” I have only one resolution. To rediscover the difference between wants and needs. May I have all I need and want all I have. Happy New […]
Camel Food, Penguin Fall, & 20 Funniest Status Updates
If one of these doesn’t make you laugh, you’re crazy… 20 of the Funniest Facebook Statuses: Dear Santa , before I try to explain, just how much do you aleady know? At my age, Friends with Insurance Benefits sounds just as appealing. That one friend that can make anything funny just by the way they […]