10 Statuses That Will Make Tuesday Awesome


Tuesday can usually be summed up in one word, “Meh”.  Spice it up with these…

10 Hilarious Status Updates for Facebook:

  1. A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist. (From our 4.5-star Rated Funny Status Updates iPhone App)
  2. My idea of a Super Bowl is a toilet that cleans itself.
  3. I deleted my facebook account. Could one of you tell them it’s raining and cold here?
  4. If the sky’s the limit, then what is space.. Over the limit?
  5. I bought a pair of running shoes today. I hope they come back.
  6. If the waitress doesn’t have a visible tattoo the restaurant is usually too expensive for me.
  7. No man goes before his time. Unless the boss leaves early.
  8. Crap. Even our thermometer is in debt this morning.
  9. There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator.
  10. The clothes I wear on laundry day make me look like an alien in a movie when kids dress it to look like a human.

Bonus Funny Status:

There are two kinds of friends : those who are around when you need them, and those who are around when they need you. ツ ( “Like” our Funny Status Update Fan Page for daily Funny Status Updates)

Spotted on Facebook:

Awesome Video of the Day:


Thanks for stopping by, make sure to check in tomorrow for more funny statuses! If you still need more funny status updates, pics, and videos to post:  “Like” our FB Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App.