Tron Dance, Cute Horses, & Top Status Posts


Be LIKEable, share these…

Top 15 Status Updates for Facebook this week:

  1. That awkward moment when you post a funny status on Facebook and someone has to ruin it by commenting being all serious!  (From our 4.5 Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★)
  2. Don’t be that GUY that posts inspirational thoughts on Facebook.
  3. Good grades, enough sleep, a social life…you can pick two.
  4. Hopefully one day your life will be as cool as you make it appear on Facebook.
  5. Being so tired that you have no idea what you’re even saying anymore.
  6. It genuinely upsets me when someone doesn’t use Google.
  7. That awkward moment when you’re yelling at someone and you mess up a word. (258+LIKEs in 5 minutes – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page )
  8. Never chase love, affection, or attention. If it isn’t given freely by another person, it isn’t worth having.
  9. Nothing says “I suck at technology” more than a sideways profile picture.
  10. Be a Stalker today: Go to someone’s Facebook profile, scroll down 6 months, and “LIKE” something.
  11. Don’t judge my choices without understanding my reasons.
  12. Being sick is your bodies way of saying “Hey, you really need to catch up on some TV”.
  13. Looking back on your old Facebook pictures and thinking “What the heck was I thinking?”
  14. ” 2 ∞ & → ” – Buzz Lightyear.   (VIA our Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
  15. The real reason why men don’t understand women is because women don’t understand women.

Nose 2 Nose:

Cute Horse

Doesn’t get much cuter than that, folks! Hover your mouse over that picture to instantly share this cuteness on your Facebook page. The LIKEs will trot right in with those three.

Meanwhile in Japan…


That’s the most unique dancing I’ve seen in a long time. Post that Facebook video on your newsfeed and see what your friends think of this EPIC dance performance.

Want more funny statuses, hilarious pictures, and amazing videos… Simply, “Like” our FB Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App. Try our awesome FREE Facebook App  for 100k+ Facebook statuses to choose from.