Tuesday can usually be summed up in one word, “Meh”. Spice it up with these… 10 Hilarious Status Updates for Facebook: A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist. (From our 4.5-star Rated Funny Status Updates iPhone App) My idea of a Super Bowl is a toilet that cleans itself. I […]
Facebook Status Updates
Perfect Statuses for your Weekend
Enjoy the weekend folks. Make every second of it last by sharing some laughs with your Facebook friends by posting these… Funny Status Updates for Facebook: It’s not the fall that kills you; it’s the sudden stop at the end. (From our 4.5-star Rated Funny Status Updates iPhone App) I think I’ve finally perfected the art […]
Terrible Tuesday Status Updates…
You are 2/5th’s the way through this week. Keep on trucking and it’ll be Friday before you know it. Meanwhile steal some Funny Facebook Status Updates from us: Parking spots are the sluts of the garage world. If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked? Why is the f*ck is the […]
Daily Facebook Status Update
We allllll know you lack creativity so here ya go: What’s all this jibberish about people having to find themselves? Don’t they realize all they need is a compass, a map, or a GPS system? Virgins just don’t know what they’re missing! All a passport really says is that someone was able to PASS through […]
Top 5 Facebook Status Updates regarding the new look..
And the Top 5 Facebook Status updates regarding the latest change to the looks is… Wondering when Facebook become MySpace? Clutter city! Ugh, Facebook please stop with the changes already. Facebook > Twitter F the new FB. joining the group 1,000,000 strong for the old facebook (and Obama of course, because he solves every problem) […]
More funny Status Update ‘s
Welcome back, hopefully you had a wonderful weekened. Now here are some knee slappers for the long week ahead… Is… //orking like I’m making the pyramids… except I get constant bathroom breaks. working for the weekend, like everybody, duh! aggressively attempting to solve rubiks cube. perusing youtube and craigslist at the same time. looking to […]