Funny Cat Pictures
Obi-Cat, Giant Puddle, & Clever FB Statuses
Step your Status game up, use these… 20 Clever Facebook Statuses: I wish some people were as pretty on the inside as they presume they are on the outside. Beer: The WD40 for conversations. ❒ Single. ❒ Taken. ✔ Who gives a shit, I’m awesome. Friends are like shoes. We look for good-looking ones. But […]
Must Resist, Mediocre Kitty, and Witty Status Posts
Score more likes, share these… Witty Status Updates for Facebook: Without that little voice in your head, you wouldn’t be able to read this. ( 100K+ Statuses: Funny Status 2 5★ Ratings) Most people don’t know this, but you can quietly be a Republican or a Democrat. Do gun manuals have Trouble Shooting sections? Don’t judge someone […]
Alien Kitty, Owl Food, and Great Status Posts
Step your statuses up, post these… Facebook Status Updates that Score LIKES: I hate it when you say “I hate that song” and someone else says “you have to admit, it’s catchy”. The freakin Black Plague was catchy, that doesn’t mean it was good. (*New* iPhone App: Funny Status 2 5★ Ratings) Why does whoop-ass only come […]
Lamp Love, Impostor Cats, & Great Statuses
Score more likes, share these… Great Status Ideas for Facebook: I’m sorry Winter… I take it all back. ( Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) The sad truth is we’re all missing someone, and hoping they’re missing us too. Got a problem with me? I’m pretty sure a status on Facebook won’t fix it. That awkward moment when you […]
Ben Stiller Skateboarding, Crocodile Kitty, & Status Jokes
Get more likes, with these… Status Update Jokes & Humor: LIKE IF you ignore the house phone because no one calls the house phone anymore. ( Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) *1% Battery left* Me: “Challenge accepted!” Skype Conversations: 5% Hey, how are you? 95% CAN YOU HEAR ME?!? That awkward moment when you’re not sure […]