Shampoo Prank, Dat Look, & Uber Clever Status Updates


Make it over the hump, pick something funny and share…

Clever Facebook Status Updates:

  1. I dream about naps.
  2. It’s scary how much I think about food.
  3. No emoji in the world can replace the depth of :/
  4. Dont go broke trying to look RICH….act your wage!
  5. FACT: Everybody needs a smart ass, sarcastic friend.
  6. There is nothing rarer and more beautiful than liking every song on an album.
  7. Halloween is, by far, the safest day to kill a person and leave them in a chair on your porch.
  8. It’s funny how after an argument is over, you start to think about more clever shit you could have said.
  9. The 78th Rule of Fight Club: When it’s your turn to bring the snacks, be respectful of your peers’ food allergies.
  10. You know you had a good night when your first call the next morning is from the bank making sure your card wasn’t stolen.
  11. Dentist: Do you remember the last time you flossed? Me: It should say on your sheet right over there.
  12. I just spent an hour at the gym. I couldn’t find a close enough parking spot so I left.
  13. It’s interesting how the ads on Youtube never have trouble buffering.
  14. On a scale of 1 to 10: you’re a 9 & I’m the 1 you need.
  15. I’m cold. Not like freezing cold, but bitchy cold.
  16. Forget having a fat day – I’m having a fat life.
  17. Our smiles should touch now.
  18. I’m sad when my food is over.
  19. I need new swear words.
  20. I’m beginning to understand why all the Soap Operas are going off the air. It’s because everybody is on FACEBOOK airing out their dirty laundry. I mean who needs Days of Our Lives. I’ve got Days of Yalls Lives right here! Commercial free!

Witty Status | Yesterdays Status Updates…

The Original ‘Shampoo Prank’ Video:


An oldie but, a goodie. Classic prank 🙂 Share if you enjoyed.

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