Scaredy Cat, Ewok Dog, and Best Status Updates


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Best Facebook Status Updates this week:

  1. The awkward moment when you’re not sure if something is your actual memory or if your brain made it up.  (*New* iPhone App: Funny Status 2  5★ Ratings)
  2. Truth is, it’s not a “long story”…  I’m just too damn lazy to explain it.
  3. Babies need an “Airplane Mode”.
  4. The new iPhone 5 will totally revolutionize the way I send all of your calls straight to voicemail.
  5. I used to sing ” A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, ELEMENO, P”
  6. Admit it, sometimes you laugh when you shouldn’t.
  7. Good times + Crazy friends = Amazing memories. ♥
  8. Laughing at your own texts before you send them because you’re so damn funny. (As seen on Funny Status Fan Page )
  9. Always give your girlfriend more than she gives you. You are the man, the provider. Keep that status with her.
  10. People change, and all too often they become the person they said they will never be.
  11. “Wow, you look good today!” is not a compliment if it comes with a genuinely surprised look.
  12. Can’t wait for the new iPhone 5. I’ve had this mint condition, perfectly good, antique iPhone 4 for over a year now. Embarrassing.
  13. I wish my bladder had a snooze button.
  14. My past is my past, it made me who I am, I have no regrets, wouldn’t change a thing. I just don’t live there anymore.
  15. ✔ Food ✔ Bed ✔ Music ✔ Facebook ✔ Instagram ✔ Cellphone = Perfect day. ☺/
  16. I can’t believe I work this hard to be this poor.  (VIA Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
  17. That awkward moment when you’re supposed to be cleaning your room and you put on music and it turns into a dance party for one.

Ewok Dog:

Ewok Dog

Now that is one epic dog costume! Post to your newsfeed for tons of likes & comments.

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Kitty Is Scared By The Mirror, Hilarity Ensues…


Really really really cute 🙂 That is some heart melting cuteness right there.

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