Valentines Day Status Updates for Facebook + Bonuses


Happy V-day, get more LIKEs share these…

Valentines Day Status Updates:

  • I am not single, I’m romantically challenged.  (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★)
  • You wanna hear a joke? . . Valentine’s Day
  • “Whale you be my Valentine?” “Dolphinately”
  • I like flowers too. No need to post them to Facebook, we all know what they look LIKE!
  • Scrolling down your newsfeed & thinking: “Dont care” ‘Whore” “Your life sucks” “Song lyrics.” “Inside joke?” “Needs a therapist..”
  • Roses are blue, violets are unicorns. This doesn’t make sense. Refrigerator.
  • Blanket- Everyone’s personal body guard from any source of danger.
  • Today is Valentine’s Day or as I call it… Tuesday.  (191+Likes in 8 minutes – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page )
  • Grades don’t measure intelligence and age doesn’t define maturity.
  • V-day would be happier if everybody was happy!
  • Brace yourselves!! The flowers, candy and jewelry mobile uploads are upon us…..
  • Tomorrow is Valentine’s day. Don’t worry if you’re single. You’re going to die alone anyway!
  • Everyone has that one weird smell that they secretly enjoy.
  • I would eat a lot more healthy food if it required no preparation or stayed fresh as long as junk food.
  • I don’t like to think myself as ‘Special’ I like to think myself as limited edition.  (VIA Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
  • How ironic is life. We spend so much money on expensive clothes, but the best moments in life are spent without clothes.

Valentines Day Prank:

Valentines Day Prank

Now that would just be mean. Post this to FB and see what your friends think of this cruel Valentines day joke.

A Very Special V-Day Card:


LOL! Bet they sell out of that one real quick every year.  Share this video on Facebook and see what your friends think of that unique Valentines day card.

Happy Valentines Day !Want more funny statuses, hilarious pictures, and amazing videos… Simply, “Like” our FB Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App. Try our awesome FREE Facebook App  for 100k+ Facebook statuses to choose from.