These will get you more LIKEs, guaranteed… EPIC Status Updates: Cereal is an acceptable meal at all times of the day. Tuesdays feel like biting into a chocolate chip cookie only to find out it’s oatmeal raisin. That awkward moment when your friends are singing “happy birthday to you” and you don’t know where to […]
Cute Puppy Pictures
Trampoline Foxes, Dawwww, & Best Facebook Statuses
Impress your friends, with these…. Top Status Updates of this week: LIKE if you hate when you… say something funny & then someone says it louder & gets the credit. ( Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) DO THIS NOW: Type “find chuck norris” into Google and hit “I’m feeling lucky”. Me without you is like a sneaker without […]
Building Lights, All Aboard, & Status Ideas
Reach more LIKEs per post with these… Some Interesting Status Update Ideas: RIGHT NOW YOU HAVE: 3 fingers behind your phone, your pinky tucked under for support and your scrolling with your thumb! LIKE if I’m correct. (From our 4.5 Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) Half of life is screwing up…the other half is dealing […]
Rude Awakening, Cute Puppy, & Best Status Posts
The easy road to LIKEs, share these… Best Status Updates for Facebook: Common sense is so rare it should be classified as a super power. (From our 4.5 Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) Don’t let the people who do so little for you, control so much of your feelings and emotions. Having only a few friends […]
OK-GO Viral Video, Angry Face, & Funny Statuses
Get more LIKEs per status, share these.. Funny Status Updates for Facebook: That awkward moment when it’s quiet in class and your stomach decides to make that dying whale sound. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) LIKE if you like food more than people. Who else just absolutely can’t sleep with socks on? Mosquitoes is just […]
Funny Statuses, Cute Puppy Pic, and Obama/Osama Mix-Ups
We’ve got something for everybody in this weekend update. Make your Facebook friends laugh by posting these… Funny Status Updates: When I read a really stupid status I think “What an idiot. Why did I write that?” (Courtesy of our Funny Status Updates iPhone App ★★★★★) If you stopped trying to save so much money, […]