Trampoline Foxes, Dawwww, & Best Facebook Statuses


Impress your friends, with these….

Top Status Updates of this week:

  1. LIKE if you hate when you… say something funny & then someone says it louder & gets the credit. ( Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★)
  2. DO THIS NOW: Type “find chuck norris” into Google and hit “I’m feeling lucky”.
  3. Me without you is like a sneaker without laces, A Geek without braces, andasentencewithoutspaces.
  4. Life would be perfect if: Mondays were fun, junk food was healthy, drama didn’t exist, and goodbyes were only until tomorrow.
  5. Telling me to calm down is the easiest way to get me to freak the heck out.
  6. Careful girls, fat guys just wanna get inside your pantries.
  7. Have you ever just sat there and realized how weird you are? (Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page )
  8. Just remember that whatever you put up with, you end up with.
  9. Some people are such treasures that you really just wanna bury them.
  10. That awkward moment when you keep talking & you don`t realize your friend walked away.
  11. “Weed is Illegal” “Yeah, so is the music in your iPod.”
  12. If you don’t do stupid things while you’re young, you’ll have nothing to smile about when you’re old.
  13. We do not remember days, but we remember moments.
  14. Admit it. You get a small rush of happiness when your crush likes your Facebook picture or status.
  15. I can’t believe it’s 2012 and there is still no fold button on my dryer.  (VIA Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
  16. That awkward moment when you’re telling your friend something hilarious and they are just like, ‘You already told me…’

More Statuses: Fan Page | Facebook App | iPhone App | Android App | Book *Now Available*

Heart Melting Cuteness:

Dawwwww this puppy is so cute.

Dawwwwwwwwwww how adorable is that?!?! This is one cute pup!

Foxes jumping on a trampoline:


Something about trampolines is just universally lovable. Just glad to see these wild foxes out there having a good ole time! Share the love with your Facebook friends who could use some cheer in their life.

Tons more status updates, funny pictures, and viral videos… Just, “Like” our FB Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App. Try our awesome FREE Facebook App  for 100k+ Facebook statuses to choose from.