Step your likes up, share these… Best Statuses on Facebook this Week: There are only a few people I can say “You’re one of the few friends I enjoy being with more in person than on Facebook.” ( Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) 10 years from now: “Dad, how did you meet mom? Well, your mom […]
Best Status Updates
Flying Cat, Puppy Pool Party, & Best Statuses
Make your weekend exciting, share these… Best Status Updates from Facebook this week: Facebook needs a “drama of the day” section in my news feed. ( Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) The Worst: Sitting in the theater, about to watch a movie, then BAM! The human giraffe sits in front of you. Shout out to salt, the most […]
Old Spice, Duck Police, & Best Status Updates
Get more LIKEs per share with these… Best Status Messages for Facebook this week: LIKE if you do this: Waking up and checking your Facebook like its the morning paper. (From our 4.5 Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) We all have that friend that doesn’t have Facebook. The only time I ever drink ginger ale is […]
Charlie Sheen, Good Memories, & Best Statuses
Get more LIKEs, share these… Best Facebook Status Updates of the Week: The awkward moment when someone says something to you for the fifth time and you still don’t know what they said. (From our 4.5 Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) Is it dead? ( ._.) (._. ) I don’t know? Poke it. Paper cut: A […]
Baking like a Navy Seal, Pizza Tossing, & 15 Best Status Posts
Increase your LIKE-ABILITY, share these… 15 Best Facebook Status Posts of the Week: That awkward moment when sarcasm doesn’t work in a text. (From our 4.5 Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) That awesome feeling of how gangster you are after rapping your favorite part of a song without screwing up. “Leftover Bacon” – a phrase you’ve […]
F-18 Flyby, Facebook Grammar, & Best Status Updates
Get more LIKEs share these: Best Status Updates for Facebook… You mentally correct some people’s grammar as they speak. (From our 4.5Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) Shhhh… that’s the sound of nobody caring what you think. Friend: “Omg, your parents are so nice!” … You: “It’s because you`re here..” Don’t you hate when you forget […]