Dawww Puppy, Best Costume, and Laughable Statuses


Make your weekend last longer, share these…

Top 20 Laughable Facebook Statuses:

  1. Facebook is a lot like a fridge. When you’re bored you keep opening and closing it every couple of minutes to see if there’s anything good, but nothing ever changes.
  2. Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you.
  3. You are never too old for Disney movies.
  4. During a math test…
    me: my answer = 23
    answer choices: 170, 195, 264, 362
    me: well 170 is closest to 23, so that must be the answer
  5. My bed is my closest friend. He never leaves, he’s always there for support, and he even comforts me when I’m down.
  6. The unplanned moments tend to be the best ones.
  7. I suffer from premature procrastination. It’s when you procrastinate before even receiving a task.
  8. Making decisions are my hardest decisions ever.
  9. I use sarcasm because flat out telling you you’re a  moron is considered inappropriate and is frowned upon. And I was raised better than that.
  10. When your sad always remember that you don’t look like you did in 6th grade.
  11. person: I like your name
    me: thanks, I got it for my birthday
  12. If women ran the world we wouldn’t have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.
  13. If someone toilet papered my house that would be great because I’m out of toilet paper.
  14. The worst feeling isn’t being lonely. It’s being forgotten by someone you’d never forget.
  15. A bad Walmart greeting just ruins the whole experience.
  16. There’s really no need to raise your voice, it’s not that I can’t hear you, it’s that I’m not paying attention to you.
  17. Why is it that I have to recite the entire alphabet to remember where one letter is?
  18. If someone is angry with you and you laugh at them, you win.
  19. When people ask me if I’m working hard or hardly working, I like to stab them with a pen and ask if they’re hurting hard or hardly hurting.
  20. My stomach just made a noise that sounded like Chewbacca trying to scream underwater.

Yesterdays Status Updates…

Best Costume this Weekend:

Well done, Kitty!

Dawwww Dis Puppy…


The puppy is one thing but, that ladies laugh… LOL!

Tons more status updates, funny pictures, and videos… On our Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App. Please check back on Monday for more funny status updates!


  1. Replace “Facebook is a lot like a fridge. When you’re bored you keep opening and
    closing it every couple of minutes to see if there’s anything good, but
    nothing ever changes.” with “FUNNYSTATUS.COM is a lot like a fridge. When you’re bored you keep opening and
    closing it every couple of minutes to see if there’s anything good, but
    nothing ever changes.” PLEASE, PLEASE start updating at least once a day. It’s been 2 days and we haven’t seen an update. My friends want more funny statuses (and yes, I do share your website with them)!

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