Score more likes, share these… Ridiculous Facebook Status Updates: That awkward moment when someone yells at you for clicking a pen…but you have to click it once more to use it. Relationship Status: Sleeping next to the warm laundry pile. Sorry that offended you, I really didn’t think you’d get it. With my eyes. That’s […]
Happy Puppy
Rhino Sounds, Happy Pup, & Great Status Updates
Be a local celebrity share these… Great Status Updates for Facebook: Santa Claus is a jerk. He gives more expensive gifts to the wealthier kids. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) Facebook should have an “exam mode” where you can enter the dates of your exams and it denies you access during that time if […]
Beatboxing Prank, Smile Pup, & Top Status Updates
Some of the Top Status Updates for Facebook… Funny Facebook Statuses: “Username or Password Incorrect” … You couldn’t just tell me which one? (From our ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) I wonder how many old people have died trying to cut open tennis balls to put on their walker. How many livers do people have? I want […]
Funny Statuses, Asian Babies Dancing, and 1 Happy Puppy
Get LIKEs post these.. Funny Status Updates for Facebook: When someone says, “Expect the unexpected,” I like to punch them in the face to express my disagreement. (From our Funny Status Updates iPhone App ★★★★★) Mondays aren’t so bad…it’s my job that sucks. Don’t think of yourself as a failure, think of yourself as unspoiled […]