This week on Facebook…. 20 Best Facebook Status Posts: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. You can’t teach a cat anything, ever. I should probably be in a relationship just for the supervision. Called me old-fashioned, but I prefer women with eyebrows made of actual hair. I hate it When someone calls you, […]
Best Status Posts
Looking Good, Unlikely Dance Off, & Best Status Posts
The Top this week on Facebook… Best Facebook Status Posts: If you’re not fully satisfied with your life, do something about it. Or complain about it on the internet. Whatever you prefer. One of the best feelings in the world is when you are hugging a person you love and they hug you back even […]
Heart Shaped Cloud, Thriller Dance, and Best Status Posts
Check out the top statuses, this week: Best Facebook Status Posts… LIKE if you hate when you… say something funny & then someone says it louder & gets the credit. (*NEW* iPhone App: Funny Status 2 5★ Ratings) That epic awesome moment when you drop something, and then catch it mid-air. Whenever I see hitchhikers, I just […]
Cash Farming Dog, Love Illusion, & Best Status Updates
The comedic material that gets LIKEd… Best Status Posts for Facebook: LIKE this with your tongue. (95% of people can not do this!) ( Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) My room isn’t dirty, I just have everything on display like a museum. Hate being fat. Love eating food. Scariest thing ever: when a kid sings a nursery rhyme […]
Rude Awakening, Cute Puppy, & Best Status Posts
The easy road to LIKEs, share these… Best Status Updates for Facebook: Common sense is so rare it should be classified as a super power. (From our 4.5 Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) Don’t let the people who do so little for you, control so much of your feelings and emotions. Having only a few friends […]