The Friday Meme List: When You Can’t Wait For Friday

woman standing up with one leg

As technology has advanced, more and more people are working on electronic devices, like computers, tablets and Smartphones. Sometimes they need something to help break the monotony of a day's work. Skimming through their social media feeds are a great way to take a quick break from the office grind. One of the best ways to break that monotony is through funny memes, especially Friday memes.

Friday is the day most people look forward to since that is when the weekend begins and everyone can catch up on fun they missed throughout the week. We have scoured the internet to bring you some of the best Friday memes for when you can't wait for Friday.

Why Should You Use Memes?


image via Pixabay

Friday memes can reflect the joy and carefree attitude that are reserved for the weekend. Whether it be going out dancing, having a glass of wine while watching your favorite movie, enjoying a sporting event or even catching up on chores or spending quality time with the family, a Friday meme can bring reassurance that all of these things are possible.

There are many memes out there, from video memes to images with text that are spread virally through emails and social media. They can be political, uplifting or just downright funny. Friday memes are great because they can be both uplifting and funny as they can express the sadness of realizing it is only Wednesday through a cute photo that helps make light of a disappointing situation. They can also let us know it really is Friday and that we are in the final countdown. Memes are a great way to bring a smile to your face, especially on a Friday.

There are many reasons we should use memes. Although they vary in tone, they all have the same end game. Here are some of the reasons we should use them in our lives:

  • Reaching a large number of people
  • Relaying an important message
  • Making you smile

The most important thing about memes is that they are fun! Who doesn't want to look at a cuddly baby monkey?

Happy Friday Meme

There are a few different types of happy Friday memes. The best thing about them is you don't have to wait for Friday to come in order to see them! They can be a great pick-me-up when you're feeling sluggish on a Tuesday afternoon or a way to add to the anticipation that you feel on a Friday afternoon. Here are a few types of Friday memes that you may encounter:

  • Realizing it isn't Friday after all
  • When you think it was another day, but find out it is Friday
  • When you know it is Friday and your weekend is about to start

20 Best Friday Memes for When You Can't Wait for Friday

The "Are We There Yet?" Meme

The "I Thought it Was Thursday" Friday Meme

The "I have to Work on Saturday" Meme

The "Carnivore Date" Meme

The "I Am Stuck In the Office on a Friday" Meme

The "I Cannot Wait to Go to Bed" Meme

The "Working/Not Working" Meme

The "I Need a Three-Day Weekend" Meme

The "Congratulations" Friday Meme

The "It's Friday, But I Know Monday's Coming" Meme

The "When Is It Beer-o'clock?" Friday Meme

The "F Word" Meme

The "Disney" Friday Meme

The "I Am Too Cool for Friday" Meme

The "Tomorrow's Friday" Meme

The "Expectations vs Reality" Meme

The "It Isn't Friday Yet?" Meme

The "Monday Prank" Meme

The "Smile, It's Finally Friday!" Meme

The "This Will Cheer Anyone Up" Meme


There's always another Friday Meme. Coming up with a Friday meme isn't that difficult since most of us pretty much center our lives around looking forward to Fridays! Being arguably the best day of the week, this day fills us with joy that we get the next two days off; it's an accomplishment because we got our work done (and if we get it done early enough, we can look up that hot new Asian fusion restaurant) and excitement for all of the new adventures the weekend can bring.