Copy & Paste these symbols into your Facebook Status for some awesome results. You’re welcome! 웃유 Σ⊗♒☠☮☯ ♠Ω♤♣♧ ♥♡♦♢♔ ♕♚♛⚜★ ☆✮✯☄ ☾☽☼ ☀☁☂☃ ☻☺☹۞۩ ♬✄✂ ✆✉✦✧ ♱♰∞ ♂♀ ☿❤❥ ❦❧™ ®©✖ ✗✘⊗♒ ■□▢ ▲△ ▼▽◆◇ ○◎● ◯Δ◕◔ ʊϟღツ 回₪ εїз Ƹ̵̡Ӝ ̵̨̄Ʒ ξЖЗ εжз☎☏ ¢☚☛ ☜☝ ☞☟✍ ✌☢☣ ♨๑ ❀✿ψ ♆☪☭ ♪♩♫ 卐™©® ¿¡½⅓⅔¼¾ ⅛⅜⅝⅞ […]
Would You Rather?
Let’s start a new FB Trend folks! I call it, “Would You Rather?”. It’s kind of like the questions game but, instead you ask really weird questions about would you rather. The responses that you get to this are absolutely absurd and hilarious. Try it out and you’ll thank me in no time! Would You […]
Wacky Wednesdays @ Facebook Status . org
Happy Hump Day folks. You are officially half way through the work week. Todays Funny Status Updates: C.R.E.A.M. – Coffee Rules Everything Around Me Something about Beatles Rockband that well…. just rocks. Anyone else digging this weather? Welcome home Fall! What kind of music do you think I like??? If you love somebody, set them […]
Funny Friday Facebook Status Updates
Today is often referred to as Funny Friday or Fiesta Friday depending on what office you work in. Due to the nature of our funny / witty / clever status updates we give you the following gems: Is it wrong that I find Home Alone the greatest movie of all time? Late one night a […]
Funny Facebook Status Update Duex
What’s it going to be today… how about these hilarious funny facebook status updates? Monday = suck. I wonder if ET feels really stupid now that cell phones exist? iPhone Home. I had a dream last night that MLK was having a dream but, instead of civil rights the dream was about a dinosaur named […]
Facebook Usernames
As Facebook becomes more and more Twitter-like. They added the bonus feature of being able to have a Username. With your beautiful new facebook username you can pick a unique 5+letter handle that will supposedly make it easier for ppl to find you. So next time your at a bar you can tell someone to […]