Perhaps one of the parts of senior year that students look forward to the most, and one that takes the most time and consideration, is the senior prank. There are many differing opinions on how intense the prank should be, how much effort and supplies should be used, when it should be executed, and whether or not everyone will be involved. We’ve found six of the best senior pranks, which are described below for anyone who may need some inspiration!
Beach Parking Lot
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These students hosted a parking lot beach party for their senior prank. How fun! It would be easy and would not be too time consuming to plan, everyone can grab a towel and some sunscreen on the way out the door the day of! You could even make the party even more fun by having a few people bring small inflatable pools, floaties, noodles, and other fun beach accessories. A fun day in the sun with classmates on one of the warmest final days of senior year is a foolproof senior prank idea.
Steel Belted Tires on Flagpole
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A group of students stacked steel-belted tires up the flagpole at their school…imagine how hard it would be to get those all on there, and how much harder it would be to get them all off! This would be a great idea for a small town prank, where there would be plenty of tires around from farms to stack up on the flagpole. Just make sure the farmers won’t need their tractors and equipment for as long as the tires might be up there!
Balloons Floor to Ceiling and Wall to Wall
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A classic and simple senior prank would be to blow up as many balloons as possible and fill the halls from wall to wall and floor to ceiling with them! Stack them high…they will be hard to walk through but even more fun to pop! The colors will be cheerful and bright, and it will all be in good fun. What a great prank!
Slip and Slide Hallway
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How cool is this? A slip and slide for a hallway! This slip and slide was made in a hallway for a work Christmas party in Brisbane, Australia. However, it would be just as easy to create one in a school hallway! You could use garbage bags or tarps and plenty of soap and water and let the fun begin.
Jungle Gym In the Cafeteria
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How unique!? A jungle gym in the cafeteria would be quite a sight, and so much fun to use! You could have one built so nicely like the one above, or maybe possibly add swings to enhance the fun even further. One could even choose a different location such as the gymnasium or if a school has a student union, you could put it in there! The options of location and how simple or intricate to make your jungle gym are endless.
Mariachi Band Following Around the Principal
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Students in Santa Barbara gave their principal quite a surprise when they hired a mariachi band to follow their principal around for the day! This could be one on a very little budget or with no cost at all! You could do what these people did and hire a band, or you could use some of the band or choral members at your school. There is bound to be plenty of people willing to play a part in the senior prank. And you could use a rotation of kids to take part in following the principal around. The more people involved, the merrier!
We hope these classic and fun senior pranks provided some laughs and inspiration. Tell us about your favorite senior pranks in the comments!