Be a local Facebook Celebrity post these… Funny Facebook Status Updates: Some people hear voices.. Some see invisible people.. Others have no imagination whatsoever. (From our ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★) No, I’m not feeling violent, I’m feeling creative with weapons. Don’t marry a tennis player – love means nothing to them. “Spelt” is a type of […]
Illegal Parking Solution, Hangover Cat, & 16 Cool Statuses
Something for everyone… 16 Very Cool Status Updates: Enough with the procrastination, it’s time for excuses. (From our Funny Status Updates iPhone App ★★★★★) Sunny today with a slight chance of me going outside to enjoy it. Facebook is the adult way of having imaginary friends. I have some pretty hilarious inside jokes with myself. […]
Funny Statuses, Asian Babies Dancing, and 1 Happy Puppy
Get LIKEs post these.. Funny Status Updates for Facebook: When someone says, “Expect the unexpected,” I like to punch them in the face to express my disagreement. (From our Funny Status Updates iPhone App ★★★★★) Mondays aren’t so bad…it’s my job that sucks. Don’t think of yourself as a failure, think of yourself as unspoiled […]
How to Link your Twitter Account to your Facebook.
Want to link your Twitter account to Facebook so that your status updates sync? Easy, here’s how: Step 1: Search for “Twitter” in Facebook’s search field. Step 2: The first result should be the one you are looking for. It is the application “Twitter.” Click “view application” Step 3: Add the Twitter Facebook Application. Step […]
Top 5 Facebook Status Updates regarding the new look..
And the Top 5 Facebook Status updates regarding the latest change to the looks is… Wondering when Facebook become MySpace? Clutter city! Ugh, Facebook please stop with the changes already. Facebook > Twitter F the new FB. joining the group 1,000,000 strong for the old facebook (and Obama of course, because he solves every problem) […]