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Funny Status Updates for Facebook:
- That awkward moment when someone likes your Facebook picture you uploaded 8 months ago. (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★)
- Facebook reminds me daily how moving out of my hometown was a great idea.
- Dear Tequila, you were supposed to make me funnier, smarter and a better dancer. I saw the video, we need to talk.
- Killing time murders opportunities.
- You’ve got bad eating habits if you use a grocery cart in 7-Eleven.
- Open fridge, nothing. Open Freezer, nothing. Story of my life.
- Internet Issues: Open a new tab & forget why.
- The awkward moment when you’re at the store & someone is standing in front of the item you need, so you pretend to look at something else.
- We all have that one friend who needs to learn how to whisper. (220+Likes in 9 minutes – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page )
- Running like a gorilla up the stairs because it’s easier that way.
- I’m sorry. Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?
- Sometimes, I throw clean clothes in the hamper because I’m too lazy to fold them.
- There’s no excuse for ignorance, when there’s Google.
- I’d let you talk more, but you’re not as interesting as I am. (From Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
- I am amazed by how quickly I forget what I’m doing.
The cutest little angry puppy you ever did see…
Share that with a friend who’s having a tough Monday to brighten their day on Facebook 🙂
Dog gets confused by escalator:
Haha, that is awesome! Post to your FB wall and watch the comments & LIKEs fly right in. This video is a comment magnet on Facebook.
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