Make Wednesday Fun, Share these… Genius Status Updates for Facebook: Sleep is like sex, you never get enough of it and sometimes it feels like it never happened at all. One day, people are gonna write songs about the nap I’m about to take. Sometimes a person is completely out of the picture but you […]
Relationship Advice
Obi-Cat, Giant Puddle, & Clever FB Statuses
Step your Status game up, use these… 20 Clever Facebook Statuses: I wish some people were as pretty on the inside as they presume they are on the outside. Beer: The WD40 for conversations. ❒ Single. ❒ Taken. ✔ Who gives a shit, I’m awesome. Friends are like shoes. We look for good-looking ones. But […]
Rude Awakening, Cute Puppy, & Best Status Posts
The easy road to LIKEs, share these… Best Status Updates for Facebook: Common sense is so rare it should be classified as a super power. (From our 4.5 Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★) Don’t let the people who do so little for you, control so much of your feelings and emotions. Having only a few friends […]