Make sure to wait for the end of the video. I mean, I’ve seen some unimpressed cats in my day, but that one takes the cake. Think about how much work went into that thing!
Cat Videos
Cat Vs. Lizard
Hahah the kitten thought he was real sneaky until the lizards buddy came forward. Then it wasn’t so funny anymore. Cats do the most ridiculous things and the freak out from this one is hilarious.
Cat Gets Brainfreeze
Why are cats reactions the best? This is all time folks, this feline deserves an oscar… Sorry, Leo. But, look at him!
Cat Alarm Clock
“Uhm, yes, human? Human? Yes, it’s time to wake up. Time for food, human.” OK, who else was just waiting for that cat to pounce? I was getting ready to jump when the cat attacked. This human must have the most polite kitty in the known world. Must have delicious cat food that only she […]
Unbelievable: Cat says the word “NO”
How is that possible? So weird and so funny! Just when you think you’ve seen it all. This kitty comes along and starts talking. Fluke? Proof of evolution? Cats are going to take over the world? We’re not sure what this means. However, it’s pretty awesome and scary at the same time. Let us know […]
Fridge Food, Fetch the Cat, and Clever Status Posts
Score more likes, share one of these.. 20 Clever Facebook Status Posts: I’m only as strong as the coffee I drink. Be the person your dog thinks you are. How do people rap?? I can’t even talk without messing it up. I say idk a lot, but trust me I be knowin’ “Doing fine. Here’s […]