Bored Baby, Naughty Monkey & 20 Cool Statuses


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Cool Facebook Status Updates:

  1. Home is where you can say anything you like ’cause nobody listens to you anyway. (From our amazingly funny: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★)
  2. I hate when I gently toss my phone onto my bed and it decides to ricochet off 3 walls, knock over my lamp, and hit a cat.
  3. Lazy rule #1: If it’s more than five feet away, It basically becomes unnecessary…
  4. Protect your bagels. Put lox on them.
  5. A slug is just a snail with a housing problem.
  6. Those days when you’re like, “Touch me and you’ll die.”
  7. All I really want is to be understood. That’s why I’m yelling.
  8. I dont hang my leg off of the bed, I’m scared a monster will grab it.
  9. In the battle between you and the world, bet on the world.
  10. I liked you when we first met, but now you’ve talked me out of it.
  11. The awkward moment when you have crunchy food in a room full of silent people.  (156+Likes in 6 minutes – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page)
  12. The only difference between a yard sale and a trash pickup is how close to the road the stuff is placed.
  13. I used to use expensive, illegal substances to blur the lines of reality. Now, I just take off my glasses.
  14. You are not a photographer…..You just have an overpriced camera.
  15. lf the people in the movies listened to me, they would still be alive.
  16. If you watch Godzilla backwards its about a dinosaur who passionately pieces a city back together before moonwalking into the sea.
  17. Cashiers are always checking me out…
  18. I could be writing the most boring text ever, but the minute you look over my shoulder, that text becomes TOP secret.
  19. Dear clever comeback, can you come BEFORE the argument is over. Thanks! (VIA Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
  20. I think if my phone were to say “I’m dying” with a sad face I would rush faster to the charger..
I don’t think this poor baby is enjoying this swing very much:
The baby blues...
Poor little one! Share that with your Facebook friends to get a ton of funny comments 🙂

The naughty monkey…


That mischievous monkey needs to stop that! Post this LIKEable video to your FB wall!

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