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Silly Facebook Statuses:
- That weird awkward run you do when a car lets you cross the street. ( Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★)
- I love using big words to sound smart. I mean utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.
- Yawn, Yawn, Yawn, YAWN, YAWN, YAWN, LIKE if you Yawned.
- I’m not going to vacuum my house again until Sears makes one I can ride on.
- Throwing lamps at people that need to lighten up.
- “I never said she stole my money” has 7 different meanings depending on the word you stress.
- I dont think I could ever stab someone.. I barely can get the straw into a Capri Sun.
- Life doesn’t have a remote, get up and change it yourself.
- LIKE if you remember what it was like to take a ton of pictures only to wait a week to find out they were useless. #90sProblems (Source: FunnyStatus Fan Page )
- Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama. Mother. Mother. Mother. Mother. Mom: What?!? Me: Hi
- Toaster Settings: 1) I do nothing. 2) I do nothing. 3) I SET THE BREAD ON FIRE!
- Nobody should regret anything that made them smile.
- If there are two lanes, the left one is the fast lane. If you are being passed on the right, you are a jerk.
- That fake laugh you do when you don’t understand what somebody just said to you.
- Am I the only one who’s never seen a pizza delivery girl? (VIA Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
- True 90′s kids know what it’s like to get pissed off at a talking paperclip.
More Statuses: Fan Page | Facebook App | iPhone App | Android App | Book *Now Available*
Ladies & Gentlemen, the Strawberry Kitty:
Bravo! Now that is art 🙂 Share this delicious feline on FB by putting your mouse on the kitty and pressing “Click here to share”.
Awesome Rollersuit:
You know you want one of those! Not necessarily to do what he does with it. But, rather simply to get to the local ice cream store. Share this epic roller-suit on Facebook.