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Funny Status Updates for Facebook:
- There’s no known cure for an infectious smile. (From our Funny Status Updates iPhone App ★★★★★)
To bathe a cat takes brute force, perseverance, courage, conviction – and a cat. The last ingredient is usually hardest to come by.
Dyslexia for cure found!
The great work must go forward. As soon as we all find somebody else to do it.
I’m trying to keep up with the changes but the changes are winning.
The reason dogs scratch themselves is because no one else knows where they itch.
My short term memory loss is growing longer.
I hate to see my loved ones leave home. I also miss my fives, tens and twenty’s.
It’s time to clean the refrigerator when something closes the door from the inside. (170+Likes in 19minutes – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page)
Flying these days is a frisky business.
It isn’t that I’m not a people person. It’s just that I’m not a stupid people person.
I’m trying to read a book about how to relax, but I keep falling asleep.
The best way to keep your kids out of hot water is to put dishes in it.
I’m not mooning you. I’m turning the other cheek.
Anybody who says marriage is a 50-50 proposition doesn’t know the first thing about women or fractions.
Grandparents are so easy to operate, even a child can do it.
Well, I guess these margaritas aren’t going to regret themselves… (VIA Twitter:@FreeFunnyStuff)
I hate to see food go to waist.
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