April Fools Day Status Updates & Best April Fools Day Prank Video EVER!


Get one of your friends with these…

April Fools Day Status Updates:

  1. Yes, it’s true. We’re packing up and moving back to (insert previous state name here). We’ll miss everyone so much!
  2. “Hmm. I sure hope that I can find the bin containing my old maternity clothes in the basement.” — (The old “I’m pregnant” update has been done before, but most people will probably at least consider it as true because they won’t expect you to post something so obvious as an April Fools’ joke.)
  3. The cat’s out of the bag — I was one of the Mega Millions jackpot winners. And no, I’m not sharing.
  4. OMG. I can’t believe I’m getting my own reality show.
  5. If anyone wants to use the beach house we rented in Bermuda for two weeks this summer, let me know. The hubby can’t take that much time off from work, so we have to cancel. No charge — we just need someone to take it off our hands. We also have some plane flights you can use.
  6. “I knew all that hard work at the gym would pay off — my size 2 jeans fit again!” — (Be prepared to gain some haters with that one.)
  7. “Ahhh! Did anyone else get the email about them canceling school next week?”
  8. And if you want to go a step further than simply posting a Facebook status update, change your relationship status on your profile instead. People will freak.
  9. Sorry peeps, but I’ve had it with Facebook. I’m shutting my account off for good at the end of the day.
  10. Squee! (XYZ celebrity) just followed me on Twitter!

[via cafemom]

Yesterdays Status Updates…

Easy and Awesome Prank:

Step 1) Download this picture.

Step 2) Display it on your computer or mobile phone or TV.

Step 3) Tell your friends or family that it’s broken and watch their reaction.

Or try this one…

Hands Down, the BEST April Fools Day Prank, EVER:


The best part is at the end the girl screaming “I HATE YOU!” LOL 😛 Guess kids really hate school 🙂

Tons more status updates, funny pictures, and videos… On our Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App.