Happy Cat, Robot Dance & 20 Funny Facebook Statuses.


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Funny Facebook Status Updates:

  1. Thank goodness pets can’t talk, they all know too much. (From our EPIC: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★)
  2. I have a strong will, but a weak won’t.
  3. Learn to spell, kids. Auto Correct isn’t always write.
  4. The future is much like the present, only longer.
  5. If you want someone to fall for you, you’ve got to give them something worth tripping over.
  6. Be a Minimalist. It’s the least you can do.
  7. Rumors are the sauce of a dry life.
  8. Everyone does about ten sit ups every morning. It might not sound like much, but there are only so many times you can hit the snooze button.
  9. When I drop my phone, I act like I’ve dropped a new born baby. (197+Likes in 9 minutes – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page)
  10. You know you’re fat when you run out of breath eating..
  11. Sometimes I meow back at cats..
  12. We are shaped by what we love, especially dessert.
  13. Born free. Now, I’m expensive.
  14. LIKE if you text someone a paragraph and then 30 minutes later you get a lame reply saying “LOL”.
  15. When I say “The other day” It can mean any time From yesterday to 364 days ago.
  16. If you want to make people angry, lie to them. If you want to make them absolutely livid, tell em the truth.
  17. When all men think alike, no one thinks very much.
  18. Cleavage is something you can look down on and approve of at the same time.
  19. Dogs have masters. Cats have staff. (VIA Twitter:@FreeFunnyStuff)
  20. My girlfriend and I have an open relationship and will continue to do so right up until she finds out.

11,001+ Funny Status Updates…

Happy Cats are all smiles!

Happy Cats are Happy!

How adorable is that? Your Facebook friends are just waiting to comment & LIKE this one 🙂

The best “ROBOT” Dance, EVAR:


That guy has just a few moves. Post that to your FB Wall to get a flurry of LIKEs.

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