Spinning Dogs, Baby Sloth, anddd Creative Status Posts


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Creative Facebook Status Posts:

  1. Do you have those friends where you can’t even remember how you became friends you were just suddenly friends?
  2. This is how my week goes: Mooooonnnnnddaaaaaaaaay Tueeeesssdaaaaaaayyyyy Weeedddnnnesssdayyyyy Thursssssdaaaaaaaayyyyy FridaySaturdaySunday.
  3. Over thinking things is what really kills you.
  4. You know you are desperate for an answer when you look at the second page of Google.
  5. If you didn’t talk to me in High School then don’t request to be my friend on Facebook.
  6. I exercise. I do one sit up everyday when I get out of bed in the morning.
  7. I will put maturity aside if a bouncy castle is present.
  8. Farts are just ghosts of the things we eat.
  9. If you think it’s necessary to judge me by my past, don’t get mad when I put you there.
  10. Macaroni would be nothing if it weren’t for cheese. Cheese, on the other hand, doesn’t need macaroni to stay pimp. I think we all know who wears the pants in the macaroni and cheese relationship.
  11. Just say no to popcorn flavored jelly beans.
  12. This summer lasted a good 30 seconds.
  13. I put an Obama bumper sticker on my car and now it drives down the middle of the road & pisses everybody off.
  14. To convince my boss that I’m keeping busy, I periodically yell “YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME?” into my phone, then slam down the receiver.
  15. I’m not bipolar, I’m two for the price of one.
  16. Girlfriends are like hiccups: cute/funny at first, then annoying. So you try to get rid of them by scaring them away and drinking too much.
  17. In this day and age it’s really a shame that laundry is still segregated.
  18. I’m stuck to the couch. I think I’m half man half sofa now. Just call me a mofa.
  19. Note to self: stop buying stuff on Ebay when drunk. Anyone need a zamboni?
  20. If you no longer know what day of the week it is, it’s time to get a job.

Yesterdays Status Updates…

Anybody in the Mood for Baby Sloth?

Baby Sloth

A little Baby Sloth makes Monday a little Better!

These Dogs Spin With The Best of Them:


Probably the most adorable thing you’ll see all week, and it’s only Monday! BOOM 🙂 That’s what we do for you here @ FunnyStatus!

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