Seal Man, Adorable Piglet, & Facebook Status Updates


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Funny Status Updates for Facebook:

  • That awkward moment when the guy who discovered milk had to explain what he was doing to the cow… (From our ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★)
  • FACEBOOK: the only place where i can be married to my best friend, & have more than 20 siblings.
  • That awkward moment when you catch someone picking their nose..
  • Haters are like crickets. Crickets make a lot of noise, you hear’em, but u can’t see them. When you walk right by them, they’re quiet.
  • Sitting in the theater, ready to watch the movie, then BOOM! The human giraffe sits in front of you.
  • Occasionally, I like to take a look through my old status updates and smile smugly at my sparkling wit.
  • Life’s cruel when you think it is, life’s happy when you feel it is, and life’s best when you enjoy it as it is. (114+Likes in 12minutes – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page)
  • I often wonder how things worked out for that guy who grabbed the bull by the horns.
  • When I lose: “who cares? it`s only a game.”
    When I win: “HAHA! IN YOUR FACE!”
  • I hate when people don’t watch where I’m going when I’m walking and texting.
  • When we married, she treated me like a God. As time went by, the letters got reversed.
  • Sorting out your Facebook friends list? Change the date of your birthday and anyone who wishes you happy birthday, delete!
  • Ⓕⓐⓒⓔⓑⓞⓞⓚ
  • That awkward moment when somebody is doing dishes and you slowly put another dish in the sink.
  • I hate cliches. They’re a dime a dozen.
  • Yawning is your body’s way of saying 20% of battery remaining.   (VIA Twitter:@FreeFunnyStuff)
  • I’m happiest when I’m wasting time and money. Time to run for congress.
11,001+ EPIC Status Updates…

Just an adorable tiny piglet, that’s all:

tiny Piglet

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The Incredible Mr. Seal Man…


That brings a whole new meaning to I am the Walrus! Post that on your Facebook wall to get tons of LIKEs.

More great status updates, awesome pictures, and funny videos? “Like” our FB Fan PageDownload our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App. Visit our awesome Funny Status section for thousands of Facebook statuses to choose from!