Be LIKEable on Facebook, share these…
Great Status Posts that will get you LIKEs:
- LIKE if you hate when you… say something funny & then someone says it louder & gets the credit. (From our 4.5 Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★)
- That amazing moment when you find money in your clothes that you forgot was there.
- All guys should learn from Mario. No matter how far their princess is, they should go after her.
- Based on a psychological study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you’re already in love.
- That awkward moment when you fail at being mad at someone because they make you laugh .. (-_-)
- Cat: Meow … Me: Meow? … Cat: Meow meow … Me: Oh my lord. I speak cat.
- Someone might not perfect but at least give them a chance.. they might worth it.
- Apologizing does not always mean you are wrong. It just means that you value your relationships more than your ego. (228+LIKEs & 18Shares in 5 mins – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page )
- Lazy Rule #214: No shower is needed, if you’re not going anywhere.
- Haters will broadcast your failure, but whisper your success.
- My mind was blown when I realized “OK” is a sideways person.
- Things I dislike waking up in the morning, checking my phone, and seeing no “good morning” text from you.
- No matter how many times I’ve been done wrong, I’ll continue to be faithful, honest, and loving; sooner or later someone will appreciate it.
- When someone compliments you and you can’t stop smiling like an idiot.
- I like how the Ninja Turtles wear masks. Good way to hide your identity, its not like your a giant turtle or anything. (VIA our Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
- The best kinds of laughter: 1) Laughing so hard that your laugh becomes silent. 2) Feeling a 6 pack coming. 3) Tears in your eyes.
Just a Baby Elephant:
Ah-Dor-ABLE! How cute is this baby elephant?!?!?! Share this picture by hovering your mouse over and clicking “Click to Share” your Facebook friends will thank you later 🙂
Ever Spin your Pen in class or @work because you’re bored? Well… try this:
That’s some EPIC Pen Spinning maneuvers! Share this video with your Facebook friends and see if they can spin like that 🙂 This video will get you some LIKEs and interesting comments.
For more funny statuses, hilarious pictures, and amazing videos… Simply, “Like” our FB Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App. Try our awesome FREE Facebook App for 100k+ Facebook statuses to choose from.