Mentos+ Diet Coke FAIL, 15 Funny Statuses, and a Facebook Rejection


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Funny Status Updates:

  1. Men are like mascara, they usually run at the first sign of emotion. (Courtesy of our Funny Status Updates iPhone App ★★★★★)
  2. When choosing a path in life, try to avoid the psychopaths.
  3. It’s been Monday all week.
  4. Has Nordstrom’s End of Civilization sale started yet?
  5. My 3 year old just told me she’s a ninja. I told her she’s not very good because I can see her. She said “Only because I want you to.” Now I’m scared.
  6. Communism is like prohibition – it’s a good idea, but it won’t work.
  7. Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don’t point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?
  8. I like birthdays, but I think too many can kill you. ツ (Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page)
  9. Youth wastes away, but immaturity can last a lifetime.
  10. Wedding rings are bad for your circulation.
  11. They say when a man holds a woman’s hand before marriage, it is love, after marriage, it is self-defense.
  12. Always believe a woman when she says: “You don’t want to know!”
  13. While Facebooking, cars in front of you may be closer than expected. (VIA:@FreeFunnyStuff )
  14. I just let my mind wander, but it didn’t come back yet.

Relationship Status: No relationship is all sunshine, but two people can share one umbrella if they huddle close.

Really… you don’t have a cell-phone???

Facebook Rejection

Ultimate Diet Coke & Mentos FAIL:


Link of the day: The 7 Greatest Bill Murray Stories Ever Told.

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