Make your weekend last, share these…
20 Best Status Updates:
- That awkward moment when you get mad at someone, slam the door then realize you forgot something and you have to go back.
- Is it just me or do mirrors look really sexy?
- Writing an essay requires at least one Facebook break.
- Some people are about as useless as the “g” in “lasagna”.
- I never run with scissors…those last two words were unnecessary.
- For just once in my life I want my phone to ring and for someone on the other end to ask if I’m on a ‘secure line’
- Without coffee, I’m just a really tall 2 year old.
- If you’re bored creating your PowerPoint presentation, everyone else will be bored when you present it.
- The best part of reading a book is intellectually intimidating someone you know by telling them you are reading a book.
- You can’t please everyone, so you might as well just concentrate on me.
- It’s a shame that trust doesn’t come with a refill.
- Whenever I read made in the USA I loudly announce “suck it China.”
- I assume guys who wear their phones on the hip do so because their pockets are stuffed to the brim with condoms and girls phone numbers.
- You should be able to park in an “expecting mother” parking space if you’re waiting for your mom.
- I want a Breast Cancer Awareness t-shirt that say “Yes they’re fake, My real ones tried to kill me!”
- Who thought it was a good idea to make commercials 5 minutes longer than the actual show you are watching?
- 99.9% of lol’s are lies.
- I always push when I should pull. I have doorlexia.
- Teamwork is just another way of saying we will soon be sharing in the blame equally.
- There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots.
Dem Ears Doe!
Did you hear that?!?!? I thinks I did!
Dog Wants Kitty Video (WARNING: HILARIOUS!)
Can’t stop laughing!!! That was too funny 🙂 If you liked it – share it!
Tons more status updates, funny pictures, and videos… On our Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App. Please check back on Monday for more funny status updates!