Put a smile on someones face! Share one of these statuses and make someones day.
20 Hilarious Status Updates:
- Some days you can’t play the music loud enough.
- I like to spend my Sunday night wishing it wasn’t Sunday night.
- Dropped some rice in water so I put it in a bag of cellphones to dry out.
- Netflix should offer a big-spinning-wheel to help couples choose a movie to watch.
- Now to be a true rebel you have to have zero tattoos.
- Kanye said he is an intellectual who doesn’t read books. Which I get because I am an an athlete that rarely moves.
- Do vampires have periods?
- It would be so cool to be able to see an album of all the pictures you’ve accidentally photobombed in public
- All I’m saying is if paper beats rock why are rocks used as paperweights?
- Before you go to sleep tonight, don’t forget to sprinkle gluten around your bed to keep away the hipsters.
- The only man worth waiting for is the delivery guy
- You should be required to read a book for every 10 selfies you take.
- I’m 0-9 on finding secret rooms behind bookcases.
- When people stay in a horrific relationship instead of breaking up, I assume they killed someone together.
- When you’re happy you enjoy music, when you’re sad you understand the lyrics
- Be the change you want to find behind your couch.
- Life is too short for fake butter, cheese or people.
- How ignorant do I have to be before I start experiencing bliss?
- If I was a ghost I would probably still just watch netflix.
- I’m not always sarcastic. Sometimes I sleep.
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Thanks Coke..
Didn’t you know “zero” and “no” were antonyms..?
Autotuned Cows
These cows got atotuned! Share this video if you were singing along.
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