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Best Facebook Status Updates of the Week:
- The awkward moment when someone says something to you for the fifth time and you still don’t know what they said. (From our 4.5 Star Rated: Funny Status iPhone App ★★★★★)
- Is it dead? ( ._.) (._. ) I don’t know? Poke it.
- Paper cut: A tree’s one glorious moment of revenge.
- *Username already taken* “WHO STOLE MY IDEA.
- That awkward moment you realize you’ve been mispronouncing a word your entire life.
- One of the worst mistakes you’ll make is walking away from the girl that stood there and waited for you.
- No, I would not like to join your exclusive membership rewards club. I’m buying a sandwich.
- Respect your elders. They made it through school without Google and Wikipedia. (209+LIKEs in 3 minutes – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page )
- No good girl deserves to be just an option.
- The funniest thing in class is when the teacher cracks a joke and no one laughs.
- Deja Vu: When God thinks something is so funny he has to rewind it to show it to his friends.
- Sleep is for the people who has no access to Internet.
- I have the answers to the ethics test if anyone needs them.
- Removing me as a friend, wow, you sure showed me. (VIA our Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
- Eyeing your toys suspiciously after watching Toy Story. e__e
Props if you could do this…
Mad props! Post this nostalgic imagery on your wall for instant LIKEs & comments.
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Charlie Sheen is back…
Now there is a viral video! The Sheen Machine is back, share it with all your Facebook friends while this video is still gaining traction.
Bonus Video: New Informercial from ShamWow Guy
Need more funny statuses, awesome pictures, and epic videos? “Like” our FB Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App. Use our great Facebook App for 11,001+ more Facebook status updates! Have a great weekend we’ll see you Monday for more Funny Status Updates!