Thanksgiving Status Update Super Spectacular


Happy Turkey Day, Share These…

Best Thanksgiving Day Statuses:

  1. Who does not thank for little, will not thank for much.
  2. Maybe this year the turkey should be pardoning Obama.
  3. The meal is not over when I’m full. The meal is over when I hate myself.
  4. You can’t please everyone, so you might as well just concentrate on me.
  5. When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around. Thanks for everything I have.
  6. There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American.
  7. Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our Thanksgiving.
  8. If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you” that would suffice.
  9. Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men, but be careful that you do not take the day and leave out the gratitude.
  10. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
  11. That awkward moment when you eat so much that thanksgiving is just an average day for you.
  12. Dear God, I’m not asking for anything today, I just want to say thank you.
  13. Thanksgiving advice: Sit at the kids table for as many years as possible.
  14. An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day.
  15. I forget, on which side of my dinner plate am I supposed to set my phone?
  16. These leftovers are gonna taste great in 3 hours.
  17. Thanksgiving: Stuff the bird, make some stuff, stuff the tables with the stuff you made, and last…(trumpet sounds)…stuff your FACE! … just made those trumpet sounds, didn’t ya??
  18. Thanksgiving: The only day where it’s American to stuff your face and be proud of it!
  19. Its amazing how much more tolerable thanksgiving with the family becomes after the 5th cocktail…
  20. Thanksgiving. Or “Why don’t you have a girlfriend” and lets not forget the sequel “Why are you an English Major?”

 Yesterdays Status Updates…

Cat Thanksgiving…

Thanksgiving Cat

Dawwwwwww, dat paw!

Hipster Thanksgiving:


Nailed it!

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