Howling Fest, Hungry Kitty, & Hilarious Status Updates


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20 Hilarious Facebook Status Update Posts:

  1. Love is standing on wet cement. the longer you stay, the harder it is to leave and you can never let go without leaving your footprints.
  2. Either you love Space Jam or you’re wrong.
  3. The more crap you put up with, the more crap you’re going to get.
  4. That awkward moment when you’re trying not to look when someone is staring at you.
  5. Pretending to be a functioning adult is exhausting.
  6. Don’t ask me what I did today, neither of us want to hear it out loud.
  7. Most days I feel like three kids stacked up on each other’s shoulders, covered by a huge coat, trying to pass as one of all these grown-ups.
  8. I just found a great new way to check email, Facebook, Twitter, chat with friends and buy stuff on eBay, all from one spot. I got a job.
  9. I bet when Hugh Hefner dies no one will say “He’s in a better place now.”
  10. Pretty cool how the guy that created dessert was just like, “I did a great job eating all that food and I deserve a reward.”
  11. Everything in earthquake-prone areas should be built on top of a giant Tempurpedic mattress.
  12. You’d think Winnie the Pooh would’ve gotten that shirt in at least a medium.
  13. I may have just inadvertently accomplished something.
  14. Weird how people are so quick to say they’d die for you but so slow to make breakfast.
  15. Hamburger Helper only works if the hamburger is ready to accept that it needs help.
  16. Whenever I say “I don’t mean that in a bad way”, I usually do.
  17. If any of you heard a loud, painful scream followed by hysterical weeping, don’t worry about it…That was just me at the gas pump filling up my car.
  18. Unsure if I’m a good cook, or I’ll just eat anything.
  19. Don’t look unless you’re prepared to see.
  20. At work, when you don’t know what to do, just walk fast and look worried.

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KittEhhh is Hungry….

Hungry Kitty

Who would say no to that adorable face with an adorable head tilt! We <3 Head Tilts! Facebook this, right friggin’ now!

These Wolves Sure Like to HOWL:


It was a wolf symphony and that guy with the video camera captured this magnificent moment. Now, be a good chap and pass it along to your friends before it goes full blown viral video.

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