Mid Week Funny Status Updates for Facebook


Hey there!  Good news, the week is half way over and if you’re one of those glass is half full sort of people – you only got 2 more days till the weekend 🙂 and if you’re one of those glass is half empty sort of ppl you probably work on the weekend!  Here are today’s funny status updates, pictures, and video to post to ur FB:

Funny Status Updates for Facebook:

  • Most of us can keep a secret. It’s the people we tell it to who can’t.
  • My favorite mythical creature:  The Honest Politician.
  • When someone rings the doorbell, why do dogs always assume it’s for them?
  • Without ME, it’s just AWESO. (from our Funny FB Fan Page)
  • I really hate people who breathe too hard… I can hear you breathing and that is a problem.
  • The winner of the rat race is still a rat.
  • Eat right, exercise, die anyway.
Worrying is like a rocking chair. It keeps you busy, but gets you nowhere.
Funny Picture to Post:
They call that the Billy Bob Dog 🙂
Funny Video to Post:
That one will get you bonus points on a friends birthday!
Alright folks well that is it for today.  Come back tomorrow for some hilarious status updates, pictures, and videos to post to your FB!  Need more?  Join our Facebook Fan Page & download our iPhone app.