Elevator Prank, Posing Kitty, & Top 20 Status Updates


Enjoy your weekend, share these…

Top 20 Facebook Status Updates this week:

  1. That awkward moment when you remember something funny, and can’t stop smiling like an idiot. (InstaStatus via: Funny Status iPhone App  5★ Ratings)
  2. If you comment on your own Facebook status before anyone else does, I will assume you’re crazy.
  3. Don’t believe any quotes you read, there’s another quote out there that says the exact opposite and sounds just as legit.
  4. I can’t wait until tomorrow, when today will be yesterday.
  5. I love smiling at random people. Some of them smile back. Some of them get really creeped out, but that makes it worth it.
  6. People on average; take 15 minutes to return to serious mental tasks after updating their Facebook status or sending Tweet.
  7. Do someone a favor and it becomes your job.
  8. Best way to get a man to do something, is to suggest they are too old for it.
  9. There is no time like the present for postponing what you ought to be doing.
  10. Before having any kids make sure you’re done sleeping and doing things you like to do.
  11. The songs I like always come on when I’m supposed to be getting out of my car.
  12. We should be nicer to old people. When they walked uphill both ways in the snow they had to do it without an internet connection too.
  13. When your life flashes before your eyes does that include the black outs? That’d be cool. Like your life but with never before seen footage.
  14. Facebook is neat because it provides a platform for me to connect with old friends, make new ones, and figure out which one’s are completely insane.
  15. Sadly, the opposite sex is ignoring me like a check engine light.
  16. *too hot* blanket off *too cold* Put blanket on *too hot again* Stick on foot out…..perfect. *hears creepy noise* Sticks foot back in
  17. You can drown in two inches of water. I’m not reciting facts, I’m making suggestions.
  18. Traffic is proof that when something crazy goes down, human beings are going to eat each other.
  19. Here is why we have a obesity problem in america: Because Burgers are $.99, & Salads are $4.99.
  20. If Hooters had delivery, would they be called knockers?

Strike a Pose:

Strike a Pose

Who’s a sassy Kitty??? You’re a sassy kitteh!!!

Bonus Funny Picture: How a Baby Is Born.

Extremely Scary Elevator Prank:


That would be terrifying. But, watching it happen to them was hilarious. Share this great prank video with your Facebook friends for tons of funny comments and laughs galore.

Tons more status updates, funny pictures, and viral videos… Just, “Like” our FB Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App. We’ll be back on Monday, have an awesome and safe weekend!