AngryBirds, Like A Boss, & 15 Epic Status Updates


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EPIC Statuses for Facebook:

  1. Studies have shown that 231,823,764people are too lazy to read this number.  (From our 4.5Star Rated: ★★★★★ iPhone App ★★★★★)
  2. A computer losing its internet access is the equivalent of a car running out of gas, both become useless.
  3. Say “I won a math debate” 5 times really fast! Now slap yourself for being such a pervert.
  4. Forbidden fruit creates many jams.
  5. Okay, let’s get this straight. There’s no way EVERYONE has the best boyfriend in the world. Work it out amongst yourselves.
  6. The closest to perfection a person ever comes is when he fills out a job application.
  7. I nevur make the same mistake twice. NEVUR.
  8. Everyone knows someone whose laugh is always funnier than the joke. (147+Likes in 3.5 minutes – Source: Funny Status Update Fan Page )
  9. 3 blonds were driving to Disney World… The sign said; Disney World Left, so they started crying, turned around, and drove home.
  10. My last relationship was almost as complicated as the knot my pocket created with my headphones.
  11. iF ShE sTilL wRitES LiKE ThiS sHe iS tOo yOunG FOr YoU BrO.
  12. That awkward moment you run into a glass door.
  13. What starts with P and ends with ORN? Popcorn!
  14. How do men sort their laundry? “Filthy” and “Filthy but wearable”  (VIA our Twitter: @FreeFunnyStuff )
  15. It’s scary to think nothing can kill that 0.01% germ.

How AngryBirds came to be…

How Angry Birds came to be...

Hahah, it all makes so much sense! Classic picture. Share with your friends on Facebook and watch the reaction pour in 🙂

If this kid can do this, you have no excuse…

Well done sir, well done! *Golf Clap* Post to your timeline for a quality discussion amongst your FB Friends.

Need more funny statuses, awesome pictures, and epic videos? “Like” our FB Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App. Use our great Facebook App  for 11,001+ more Facebook status updates! Have a great weekend we’ll see you Monday for more Funny Status Updates!