Photo by Tom Morel on Unsplash
Some say Monday is their least favorite day of the week, and there are many people who agree with that sentiment. It’s the day after the weekend. It’s the day most people go back to work. It’s the day you must be somewhere at a certain time to do a certain job. If you don’t go back to work on Mondays, you might not dislike it as much as others, but you probably don’t love the idea of going back to a schedule with the kids. You sort of lose your freedom when Monday begins, and that’s where the Monday memes become a fun way to begin your day.
Unless you’re doing what you love in life, you probably don’t love Monday. The routine, the schedule and the monotony of the beginning of another week is something many people dread, and that’s why sending them Monday memes can make it all a little better. If someone dislikes where they go on Mondays, works a job only because it pays the bills or they have to deal with what they don’t love, sending them a Monday meme to make them laugh and start their day on the right note is exactly what they need. Monday haters can use a few memes to take the edge off and begin their day on a more positive note.
What Is a Monday Meme?
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If you’re not sure what a Monday meme is, don’t worry. You aren’t alone in this confusion. A meme is an image or video that contains a piece of humorous and enjoyable text. A Monday meme is an image or video that contains a piece of hilarious text about Mondays. It might be a saying that makes fun of Mondays or makes you feel as if you are on the same wavelength as others when it comes to Mondays.Memes are funny because they are relatable. They are also spread quickly via the internet—thanks to social media sites, such as Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. These memes are posted by users, liked by other users, shared and then spread rapidly. This only proves that there are many people who get it, and many of them share the same feelings about Mondays.
Reasons to Start Sending Them
What is the possible reason you should send Monday memes to Monday haters? Is there anything that can make a Monday seem better? Do you really have time to scour the internet for the perfect meme to send on a day that so many people wake up already irritated and annoyed? The truth is that there is a bit of psychology behind the act of sending memes. Here’s why you should get on board with sending memes on Mondays.
It Fosters a Sense of Camaraderie
Do you work with someone who dislikes a Monday? When you get up on Monday morning and text your work friend a funny meme about Mondays, you both get a laugh. You also start the day as a team. You’re now on the same page, and that helps to remove a touch of the monotony from the day.
It’s an Act of Bonding
Sending a meme might not sound like a way of bonding, but it is. This is a time when social interactions are more prevalent with technology than anything else. When you take the time to send someone a meme on a Monday morning that mocks the Monday aspect of the day, you bond because they know you’re thinking of them. They’re now thinking of you. You both walk into work or whatever situation you are in with an inside joke with one another. This is a simple way to make you feel closer to another person, which can make an otherwise unbearable day seem more bearable.
It Fosters Laughter
Has anyone ever mentioned to you that laughter is the best medicine? It might seem like a joke, but it’s the truth. Your parents and grandparents probably raised you saying this, and that’s because it’s a true statement. There are numerous health benefits associated with laughter. Laugher:
- Relaxes your body
- Overpowers stress
- Produces happy hormones
- Improves your immune system
- Is hearth healthy
- Diffuses anger
- Burns calories
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Laughter can make you live longer. The simple truth is that laughter produces the same kind of happy endorphins your body produces when you work out or do something else that’s good for your body. These hormones crush the hormones that cause you to feel sad, unhappy, stressed and anxious. You immediately feel better about life, and you get to live longer as a result. People who aren’t as stressed and have less anxiety tend to live longer.Stress and anxiety create havoc in your body. They weaken your immune system. They cause you to make more impulsive decisions that aren’t always the best decisions. They cause you to lose much-needed sleep. They cause you to develop health issues that can become worse over time. The more you laugh, the healthier you become.
Things to Remember before Sending Memes
There are a few things you should remember before you send someone a meme. One of the most important things you must realize is that everyone is different. Know who you are sending a meme to. Know what they might find funny, and know what they might not find funny. For example, sending a meme about how good it is to get the kids back to school on a Monday morning to a person who doesn’t have kids or lost a baby is not humorous. Sending it to another parent who had a long, crazy weekend with their kids is a better idea.Know what’s offensive. You might not realize how something funny might be offensive. This is why knowing your audience is important. It’s better to avoid sending memes with inappropriate language or pictures to people you don’t know well, and always avoid racist, sexist, religious or unkind memes that mock people.
Best Examples
Sending a Monday meme to someone who needs it can make their day a little brighter. There are some Monday memes that always work better than others, and we have a few examples for you that will make just about anyone laugh. Here are some examples of the best types of Monday memes to send to those you want to make laugh:
Things to Remember before Sending Memes
There are a few things you should remember before you send someone a meme. One of the most important things you must realize is that everyone is different. Know who you are sending a meme to. Know what they might find funny, and know what they might not find funny. For example, sending a meme about how good it is to get the kids back to school on a Monday morning to a person who doesn’t have kids or lost a baby is not humorous. Sending it to another parent who had a long, crazy weekend with their kids is a better idea.
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Know what’s offensive. You might not realize how something funny might be offensive. This is why knowing your audience is important. It’s better to avoid sending memes with inappropriate language or pictures to people you don’t know well, and always avoid racist, sexist, religious or unkind memes that mock people.
Monday Is a Long Day Memes
If you’re looking for a Monday meme that won’t offend anyone, try one that makes fun of how long a Monday lasts. One of the best memes for a Monday morning is the one that compares Monday hours to the hours it takes to get through one day on the planet mercury. This meme might say something along the lines of “One day on Mercury lasts approximately 1,408 hours. The same as one Monday on earth.” That’s funny stuff.
Monday-Again Memes
These are always fan favorites because it’s usually the photo attached to the meme that makes you laugh the most. It’s almost always a crying baby or a baby with an upset look on his or her face, a toddler with an angry look or a cute puppy or kitten that just looks sad. The phrase will be something such as, “Monday again? But it was Monday last week!”
Monday Coffee Memes
The best memes for Mondays often include some giant coffee cups. They also have a saying that infers that a giant cup of coffee is a Monday cup. This is a cup that’s so big it’s more like a bowl, a giant decoration or a vase of some sort. It’s funny because it helps you remember that sometimes things are just funnier when you think of them in relation to how much coffee you need to get through them.
A Celebrity Meme
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Monday memes are funny when they feature a celebrity mocking Monday. Steve Carell, Will Ferrell and almost any child actor or actress make it seem more hilarious just by being on the meme. These memes will have various sayings about Mondays that make people laugh. Usually the celebrity has a crazed look or a serious look on their faces with a saying that makes you laugh. You can create your own meme with these celebrities, or you can use one that you find on the internet and send it to people you want to make laugh.
Photo by bruce mars from Pexels
Have you started looking for a funny Monday meme yet? A Monday meme is perfect for a Monday hater. You are providing that person with laughter as well as the feeling that you are both on the same page. It makes the day more enjoyable, and it helps you feel as if you have something to offer the people in your lives. If you have the ability to create your own memes online, you should try it so your Monday-hating friend is not getting the same meme they get all of the time from their other meme-loving friends. Otherwise, use one you find online and make someone laugh.