Happy FB Easter – Hippity Hop and all that Jazz.


Spring is in the air and Easter has come.  Some people celebrate it others enjoy the peeps! and egg filled money that the hoilday brings.   Still other debbie downers just protest it.  No matter what you think of today just know that it’s probably a pretty nice day somewhere in the world and relish in that fact.  No matter what day it is, it’s our sworn duty to provide you with relevant, hilarious, cunning, witty, and funny facebook status updates.  We don’t rest even on holidays.  So enjoy 🙂  Also, as I’ve been saying for awhile good things are coming soon.

Special Easter Facebook Status Updates:

  • Why is a bunny the luckiest animal in the world? It has four rabbits’ feet
  • Great Easter dinner.  I’m Egg-zosted!
  • Why couldn’t the egg family watch T.V.? Because their cable was scrambled.
  • What does a bunny use when it goes swimming? A hare-net.
  • Why don’t rabbits make noise when they have sex?  Because they have cotton balls.

Funny Facebook Status Updates:

  • One of the most important things to learn is when to quit while you’re ahead.
  • You can always get more with a kind word and a 2-by-4 than with just a kind word.
  • Any gift that can’t be thrown away is really a trap.
  • HOT DEAL: Get a Cricket Wireless phone for only $9.99 shipped + first month of free unlimited cell phone service.  Offer ends April 5th, 2010.
  • A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study: Duh.
  • A woman broke up with me and sent me pictures of her and her newboyfriend in bed together. Solution?? I sent them to her dad.
  • I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.

Funny FB Picture:

PS) There are tons more funny Easter pictures to post to your FB profile found on google.

Funny FB Video:


What can we say, we enjoy our peeps here @ Funny FB Status website 😉  Happy Easter!  Cya Monday folks.